Lopez Island Farm Trust (LIFT)

In May 2017, LCLT integrated the Lopez Island Farm Trust (LIFT) into our SARD program. The primary purpose of LIFT is to hold farms in trust on Lopez Island as long-term community assets that contribute to local food security, model carbon sequestration and climate related land practices as well as economic opportunities for those who work the land. LIFT focuses on solving some of the biggest issues facing new farmers: secure affordable access to land and infrastructure support. LCLT is documenting the legal and social process of transferring working farms to the next generation of farmers in perpetuity. LIFT is part of LCLT’s long-term commitment to a more just and equitable local food system and community assets.

LCLT’s goal is to match farmland with farmers who have a commitment to the described LIFT principles.

LIFT Objectives:

  • Strengthening our local food system and ecological diversity through farming
  • Providing affordable access to land and infrastructure to new farmers for many generations to come
  • Arranging education programs for beginning farmers and other young people in search of life skills
  • Cultivating systems that encourage multi-generational living and affordable housing
  • Retaining and invigorating the working rural character of Lopez Island through regenerative land practices that build soil.

LIFT Requirements:

  • Sustainability: The farms need to be able to feed the farmers who work on them as well as provide food for the larger community.
  • Economic Viability: Sales of farm products, classes and other entrepreneurial activities provide for farm/farmer expenses including wages and maintenance of the farm.
  • Ecological Responsibility & Climate Resiliency: Resource consumption is minimized, energy efficiency is maximized, carbon footprint reduced, and carbon sequestered in the soil.
  • Justice: Farm activities embody and disseminate understandings of social and environmental justice.